No ordinary woman
This is not the usual online clothing shop.
This is your path to a whole new life.
•Be the energy you want to attract•
They’re looking for a sign that you’re different, that you’re quality, and not someone that the world has sampled.
Every time you step out of the house is an opportunity to attract someone who could change your life, so always look your finest. A thirsty man will talk to any woman; they’re just playing the percentages. A random hunter will talk to any woman showing skin because men understand that women wears that for a reason. But TOP SHELF MAN aren’t racing after basic. They’re looking for a sign that you’re different, that you’re quality, and not someone that the world has sampled. If you expect a man to treat you like a princess, you can’t run around looking like a pauper nor can you go around looking desperate like you stepped out of the brothel. It’s a balance of makeup, hairstyle, fashion and style. And the only way to know that you’ve gotten it right is to be your own test—Do I look like a FIRE today? Yes, I do! Reach that level mentally, and your sex appeal can’t be touched. Protect your energy. Take time for yourself. You can’t say yes to anything.
• Raise your standards •
If you want to date TOP SHELF MAN, you’ll need to learn to put that value to yourself first.
It’s really important to learn to Protect your energy.
Take time for yourself. You can’t say yes to anything. Or anyone.
Filter the man you’re dating.
If you want to date TOP SHELF MAN, you’ll need to learn to put that value to yourself first.
Being single is not a sentence, it is a choice.
When a man asks you out, do you immediately say “ Sure, can’t wait to see you” ?
If you do, that’s definitely the wrong thing to do. This shows the man, that you’re so exited to see him, regardless of what the date is. In order to show him that you’re high value woman. Ask him what he have in mind, or suggest, that you would love to have dinner, if he knows some amazing place. This shows him that he need to step up to the plate and you’re not down for whatever program he is running. You hanging out with him is contenting on him treating you like a lady.
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